DiS Google Group
DiS started the Google Group as a way to create space for BIPOC/BAME and ally sustainability practitioners to share opportunities and receive relevant information about the field of sustainability and diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. The Google Group is where you will also receive Diversity in Sustainability’s monthly roundup, which includes a curation of thought-provoking articles, events, and approximately 100 jobs per issue. Group members are also invited to share relevant jobs, volunteer positions, grants, events, resources and speaking opportunities. The DiS Google Group is free to join.
If you love the Google Group but wish to have one on one conversations with other DiS members, our paid membership includes access to DiS Circle, a platform that provides a plethora of resources, a full member directory, various spaces based on topics/interests, and messaging capabilities for direct conversations. Click here to read more about our membership options.
The Rules
This list is moderated and emails are approved so long as they meet the following rules. We know there are many – and this is for us to make sure we keep the group manageable for all.
Only send messages to the entire list when it contains information that the group – current and future BIPOC sustainability professionals and allies – may find beneficial. Your postings are distributed to many busy people, so your post should contribute in an informative way that is of value to others. Avoid emails that only consist of pile-ons (e.g. “I agree!”) and replies that would be better sent personally (e.g. “Thanks for sharing that.”).
If you are sharing an event, course, or survey, please ensure that it is relevant to BIPOC/BAME sustainability practitioners. We try to avoid sending out too many generic events or survey requests to the group. If you’re unsure, email us at info@diversityinsustainability.com to check.
Personal replies should be directed to specific individuals rather than to the entire list. To do this, remember to cut and paste the sender’s e-mail address when replying rather than simply hitting the “Reply” button which sends the response to the entire list.
Do not "flame" or attack others. Flaming includes, but is not limited to, the making of derogatory comments, ridicule, excessive sarcasm, innuendo, hostility or trolling. All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials or language are prohibited. Please use good judgment – do not post anything to the group that you wouldn’t want the world to see.
Use caution in discussion. Information posted on the list may be forwarded to others.
Do not post commercial or overly self-promotional messages on the Group. Contact people directly with product and service information if you believe it would help them.
Please do not send your CV/resume directly to the group.
Do not distribute any SPAM, solicitation, jokes, or chain letters.
Do not use the group to invite the entire list to join your social network (Facebook, Linkedin, etc). You may invite individuals to join your network as reasonable.
Please refrain from sending emails with the same or similar content multiple times.
Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address.
State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting.
Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply.
Do not send administrative messages, such as "remove me from the list", through the Group. Please address these to info@diversityinsustainability.com.
Special Instructions for Sharing Job Postings
If you are a hiring manager and are sharing a job posting, please note the following requirements.
Pay transparency – We believe, and research has shown, that pay transparency is essential for fair and equal remuneration for underrepresented populations. For those seeking to fill roles, it also creates clear salary expectations, reduces the time to fill and attract qualified job candidates and demonstrates commitment to equity and inclusion. For our monthly roundups we provide salary information where available. If you are sending any job postings to this Google Group or to us to include in this roundup, if you are the hiring manager please add a salary range for transparency. If this is not included, we will not approve it to be sent to the group. Please also consider putting up a paid posting in the DiS jobs board.
Equity, diversity and inclusion actions – as an organization, we don’t have the resources to verify that every post sent to this list is for an inclusive organization, and we also recognize that individual circumstances can vary. Yet, we want to ensure that organizations are on a journey to create more psychologically safe workplaces that are welcoming to all. If you are sending any job postings to this Google Group directly as a hiring manager, please send a few sentences or a link to any details on how your organization is encouraging equity, diversity, inclusion or justice. These few sentences could include things such as any policies or initiatives, leadership changes, mentorship programs, employee survey results, etc., or even acknowledging that you are at the start of your journey. For those who are applying to roles who are interested in finding out more about pay transparency or company performance on diversity, equity and inclusion, websites such as Glassdoor and Dipper provide candid information for your own due diligence.
Other functions:
Send messages to the group at grouplist@diversityinsustainability.com.
To unsubscribe, send an email to grouplist+unsubscribe@diversityinsustainability.com
To email us, email info@diversityinsustainability.com.
To find out more details about Diversity in Sustainability, go to www.diversityinsustainability.com.
If the volume of emails becomes unsustainable, please note that the Diversity in Sustainability Google Group emails can be sent in digest format. Please email us at info@diversityinsustainability.com if you need to make this switch.
If you have made it this far, and you’re OK with the rules, please join by filling out the form below. Thank you