Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues
Without leadership and participation from marginalized people, we will not get to a sustainable and just future. Building an inclusive sector of sustainability requires active participation from all corners of the sector. We are looking for participants and partners who wish to inquire deeply, build empathy and take bolder interventions in their professional roles and environments to create an inclusive sector. Through the Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues, we aim to work together to build a plan to get us there. Join us for the journey by finding out more below.
Where did this all begin?
In 2021, Diversity in Sustainability conducted the inaugural State of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sustainability Survey. The survey explored the demographics, barriers to entry and advancement, and individual experiences of those within the sector, as well as organizational support on equity, diversity, and inclusion for sustainability practitioners. The survey highlighted the inherent privilege in the sector, and the value of further discourse and conversation to drive concrete action on equity, diversity, and inclusion within the sector.
of survey respondents come from middle class backgrounds or higher levels of social mobility
have at least a Master’s degree, and 90% have at least a Bachelor’s degree
only 27%
feel as though the leaders in their organizations are diverse.
of young sustainability professionals are people of colour, and the percentage drops significantly among older practitioners.
only 57%
of sustainability practitioners who are South Asian, neurodiverse or have a disability feel that they can voice contrary opinions freely in their organizations.
only 49%
of Black sustainabiltiy practitioners feel that their organization is committed to creating an inclusive environment
What are the Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues?
Starting in Summer 2023, Diversity in Sustainability will facilitate the Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues. The dialogues were formulated by assessing the life cycle stage of a sustainability professional - from considering sustainability as a profession as youth, all the way to advancing to the highest levels within organizations, and examining key influences, inhibitors and enablers to entry and advancement.
Each dialogue will follow a similar format - it will be shaped by individual interviews, and the dialogue will be facilitated virtually over 2 hours with approximately 15-20 participants. We will then develop a suite of insights, tools, and resources to drive change and build capacity for inclusion in the wider sector of sustainability, including stakeholder-specific pledges and longer-term working groups.
What are the themes of the dialogues?
We will host two-hour dialogues with key constituents in the sector in 2023/24 in our key markets of Canada, US and the UK. Topics will include, but are not limited to the following:
Building a Diverse Talent Pipeline (1 session) (Target groups: Recruiters)
Managing Challenges in DEI in Human Resources (3 sessions) (Target groups: Human Resources leaders)
Building Touchpoints for Equity in Higher Education (3 sessions) (Target groups: Career Centre professionals, Academics and Admissions)
Sharing Privilege and Power as Organizational Leaders (1 session) (Target groups: Organizational leaders in sustainability organizations and leaders of sustainability teams)
The Duty of Diverse Leaders (1 session) (Target groups: BIPOC/BAME sustainability leaders)
Building Mutual Support as an Ally (1 session) (Target groups: White sustainability practitioners)
Bridging Socioeconomic Divides in the Sector of Sustainability (1 session) (Target groups: Sustainability practitioners from challenging socioeconomic circumstances)
Unpacking Stereotypes and Cultural Barriers (7 sessions) (Target groups: Sustainability practitioners who identify as Black, East/Southeast Asian, Hispanic/ Latine, Indigenous, Middle Eastern/North African, Multiethnic, South Asian and with other intersecting identities e.g. gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, class, religious beliefs, sexual identity and sexual expression)
Preparing Future Generations (1 session) (Target groups: BIPOC/BAME youth interested in entering sustainability (ages 18-25))
More details on each session can be found on the Sessions page. Sessions will be completed subject to funding.
I love it! How do I sign up?
Along with absorbing the knowledge of our hosts & speakers, participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and engage in challenging discussions. Our aim is to carefully select participants who wish to undertake active inquiry, increase empathy, and intervene boldly in their professional roles and environments to create an inclusive sector. Consequently, not all those who sign up may be selected, as we want to ensure that we have representation from various demographic groups.
To register your interest in participating in the Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues, please complete the Expression of Interest Survey below.
We cannot do it alone.
We are looking for participants as well as partners: co-hosts, sponsors, distribution partners, and participants. To find out more about partnering with us, go to Partner with us.