July 11, 2023: Diversity in Sustainability: Fostering a Sustainable World Build Through Equity and Inclusion - (Make the World Better Magazine)
Feb 6, 2023: Equity (DIVERSITY IN SUSTAINABILITY) with Heather Mak - (Sustainability Disruptors, Apple/Spotify)
Sept 15, 2022: EP 38: Life lessons from a former lobbyist, becoming a sustainability consultant, and designing a more diverse and inclusive sustainability field - a discussion with Heather Mak (Women Changing the World, Apple)
Jan 28, 2022: Climate is an inside job - by Sarah Lazarovic (Minimum Viable Planet)
Oct 11, 2021: The sustainability sector has a problem with lack of diversity - by Jeffrey Jones (Globe & Mail)
Sept 2021: Corporate Progress and Action on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - quotes from Michael Harvey (SustainAbility Institute at ERM)
Sep 27, 2021: Episode #20: Diversity in Sustainability and how the pandemic has enabled a purpose-driven economy - a discussion with Allen Langdon, Heather Mak and Coro Strandberg (Closing the Loop, Apple/Spotify)
Sep 25, 2021: The sustainability sector needs more diverse leadership - by Heather Mak (Toronto Star)
Sep 22, 2021: UK Government must do more to support women into green jobs, PwC warns - by Sarah George (edie)
Sep 17, 2021: Episode 285: Chatting about diversity and biodiversity - a discussion with Heather Clancy and Heather Mak (Greenbiz 350 podcast)
Sep 16, 2021: New survey sheds light on diversity in sustainability - by Maddie Johnson (Advisor’s Edge/Investment Executive)
Sep 15, 2021: We need more diverse leadership in the sustainability sector - by Heather Mak (Corporate Knights)
Aug 27, 2021: What ESG & CSR Job-Seekers Need To Know in 2021 - summary of event with Heather Mak of DiS and Deborah Dols of Acre (Reconsidered)
Mar 9, 2021: A better world by whom and for whom? - a discussion with Heather Mak and Julia Sherbakov, (Impact Journey, Apple/Spotify)
Mar 1, 2021: New group promotes diversity in sustainability field - interview with Marie Jurcevic (JWN)
Feb 15, 2021: 3 Questions With: Heather Mak, Co-Founder, Diversity in Sustainability (Reconsidered)
Feb 8, 2021: Beyond the pale: Responsible investing firms failing to invest in people of colour by Shilpa Tiwari (Corporate Knights)
Nov 11, 2020: Heather Mak: I thought sustainability was all about green, then why is it so white! - a discussion with Shilpa Tiwari (HER Climb, Apple/Spotify)
Sep 10, 2020: Episode #9: Impacts & Opportunities of the Pandemic on Sustainability - a discussion with Allen Langdon, Heather Mak and Coro Strandberg (Closing the Loop, Apple/Spotify)