Join as a member
There are several ways you will be able to join Diversity in Sustainability - either as an individual BIPOC member, individual ally member, undergraduate BIPOC member. or graduate/PhD BIPOC member. Below is a chart that details the offerings that Diversity in Sustainability offers for free to non-members and to each category of paying members - please note that X indicates that the offering is part of the category, D = discounts and $= an additional fee. You can download the chart in PDF form by clicking on it.
Student Memberships
Over 18
BIPOC/BAME students who are pursuing study in sustainability related topics full-time or interested in a career in sustainability, or recent graduates who are not yet employed (will convert to individual membership 2 months after employment date)
Access to sustainability career tools - CV/resume feedback from practitioners, discounts to skills and personality inventories, interview help
Connect with a community of BIPOC and ally sustainability practitioners and students for advice and mutual support through spaces, our member directory, coffee chats and office hours
Get first access to new job, volunteer, research and grant opportunities shared through the network
Learn about emerging trends in the sector
Masters/PhD students - get access to profile building resources
Undergraduate students:
$15 CAD monthly (approximately $11 USD)
$30 CAD quarterly (approximately $22 USD quarterly) OR
$100 CAD annually (approximately $75 USD) Save 44% compared to monthly
Graduate/PhD students:
This tier provides more access similar to the individual BIPOC membership, while recognizing the financial challenges of being a student.
$20 CAD monthly (approximately $15 USD) OR
$45 CAD quarterly (approximately $33 USD) OR
$150 CAD annually (approximately $110 USD) Save 38% compared to monthly
Individual BIPOC Membership
Identify as a Black, Indigenous or other Person of Colour sustainability practitioner with at least 6 months of experience in sustainability
Join an exclusive community with other BIPOC/BAME sustainability practitioners globally
Build your profile through a member directory, BIPOC/BAME speaker and expert database, and BIPOC/BAME business directory, career announcements, office hours, and Colour Commentary Q&As
Invest in your career through leadership development, mentorship and peer to peer learning
Get first access to new job, volunteer, research and grant opportunities shared through the network
Share your events and research with the community
Cultivate further community connections and a future talent pipeline through mentorship with young professionals and BIPOC/BAME youth
Take part in exclusive communities for senior BIPOC/BAME professionals
Learn about emerging trends in the sector
Get a 5% discount on DiS Jobs Board postings
$30 CAD monthly (approximately $22 USD monthly)
$75 CAD quarterly (approximately $57 USD quarterly) OR
$250 CAD annually (approximately $190 USD annually) Save 31% compared to monthly
Indivdual Ally Membership
Sustainability practitioner who wants to be an active ally to support and learn from BIPOC/BAME sustainability practitioners
Support and build relationships with the BIPOC/BAME community within sustainability through allyship and mentorship
Broaden your horizons from the BIPOC/BAME sustainability community through events and livestreams
Build a co-learning network with active ally peers
Find initiatives to build a just sector of sustainability
Share your events and research with the community
Learn about emerging trends in the sector
Get access to young BIPOC/BAME sustainability talent
Get a 5% discount on DiS jobs board postings
$30 CAD monthly (approximately $22 USD monthly)
$75 CAD quarterly (approximately $57 USD quarterly) OR
$250 CAD annually (approximately $190 USD annually) Save 31% compared to monthly
Please note: We strive to offer many free resources to ensure that Diversity in Sustainability is accessible. For our platform, we will offer scholarships/grants on a limited basis depending on people’s individual circumstances. Please message us at info@diversityinsustainability.com if you need support.
You will be billed in CAD. Exchange rates for USD are subject to change and are current as of September 2024.
Please note, we are currently working on a billing solution for UK/EU and other country members. Please stay tuned!
Image credit: Christina @ Wocintechchat